Saturday, May 30, 2015

In the Ground

Everything is planted. Zucchini, tomatoes, eggplant, bell peppers, and cucumbers.  The three containers are growing mint, cucamelons, and stinging nettle. This is my first time growing cucamelons and stinging nettle, and they are down directly. Hope they grow!

I'm also growing some lavender in a mini rock garden with some coleus and an unknown little flower I found at Mahoney's.

There are parsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme...and basil in the strawberry pot. I also added some coleus and that yellow mystery flower there too!
Now a little relaxing and hydrating!

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Jury is still out

I'm not sure if starting from seed is for me. I lost all of my slicing tomatoes, and my peppers and eggplant are still quite small. They've been outside "hardening off" and I'll probably put them in the ground tomorrow. So. We shall see!

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Plot uncovered

Today I raked winter's protective covering from my little plot of land. Everything looks happy and healthy! The"addition" looks especially promising as the layers of newspapers, compost, leaves, and hay decomposed into a rich, black soil.
There were also plenty of these helpful little guys. 
Though it is severely depleted, the compost is ready to restart. I won't have enough to enrich the soil this spring, but there's enough to provide a healthy base to begin again.
Uncovering the plot uncovered a nice surprise...garlic! It's amazing they survived this winter!

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Begin again

After swearing I would NEVER do this again by seed, today, I sowed my seeds. I did a few things differently. I purchased all my seeds from Peaceful Valley. They are all organic, non-GMO seed. I also used organic soil instead of the dehydrated soil pods I used last year. Instead of artificial light, I've set up a table by a south-facing window. And I planted later, hoping that the seedlings and planning time are better matched. So. We'll see! Today I sowed San Marzano tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, and a slicing tomato called Burbank. I also sowed zucchini, cucumber, eggplant, and bell peppers. When it's warmer, and the ground is ready, I will directly sow cucamelon and stinging nettle. Later in the summer, I'll try kale again. Very excited! Stay tuned!