Right around the corner, where the red shovel is, is where the compost and mini-shed is located. So, that's convenient!
We used my dad's tiller to turn over the grass.
It was hard work even with the tiller! The earth was so rocky! STS did the tilling while I pulled the rocks.
I filled two 5 gallon buckets with rocks! I saved them and am keeping them over by the compost. I'm not sure what I might need them for, but I figured I'd better hang on to them...they might come in handy.
Once the sod was turned and the rocks were removed, my dad showed me how to take a soil sample. He used a power drill with a wide-flat attachment to turn twelve holes scattered throughout the plot. I took a scoop of dirt from each hole and put them into a bucket. I mixed them all together, and sifted out the pebbles using a fine screen. After that, I spread about 2-3 cups full of the dirt onto newspaper to dry out. In a few days, the soil was dry and I put it into a sandwich bag and sent it to UMass Amherst for soil testing. They sent the results via email in about 2 weeks. I have NO idea what any of it means, but luckily, my dad will help me out with that too!
My dad has been a huge help with all of this. I am trying to do most of it on my own, but it's nice to have an experienced gardener to bounce things off of and for advice. Dad's also given me some ideas for new tools. The stuff I currently have is inadequate, to say the least!
New toys are always exciting! And of course, I'll need some new gardening fashion, like shoes, a hat, and an apron. :)
Here's where we are now. This is the plot all ready for spring. Before we can plant, we'll have to add whatever is needed based on the soil test.
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