Sunday, March 30, 2014

Sowing seeds

March 23rd was seed planting time! It felt like this day would NEVER get here. I used the Burpee Seed Starter Kit that my dad gave me.

It comes with two 36-cell seed trays; 72 soil disks; a water absorbing mat (it's self watering!); a resevoir for the water; a stand for the seed trays, and a condensation cover. It's great! Just like a mini-greenhouse.

To start, you put the pellets into each of the cells.

Next, add water. The discs swell up and the dirt loosens.

Finally, plant (and mark) your seeds! The kit recommends one or two seeds per cell. I planted one. Most of the seeds take 7 - 10 days to germinate. The peppers take 7 - 21 days.

I planted zucchini, eggplant, cucumbers, grape tomatoes, tasti-lee tomatoes, roma tomatoes, sweet peppers, scallions and marigolds.

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