Thursday, May 22, 2014

Fingers Crossed

On Sunday, I planted. I stuck pretty much with the plan: 2 eggplant, 2 cukes, 2 zucchini, 2 cherry tomato, 2 Roma tomato, 2 slicing (Rutgers) tomato, 2 sweet red pepper, 1 sweet orange pepper, green onions, and, of course, the not-yet-planted garlic.

Here is the herb corner:

Here is the scallion/garlic corner:

Here are the trellises for the cucumbers:

Here is the strawberry pot:

I love my vintage sprinkler!

Here's a full view of the veggie garden!

It was a beautiful day. It was great to just be outside, doing something that I really wanted to do. I achieved two goals...planting my first veggie garden, and getting my new boots dirty!

Even though I had to come inside to do my planning for school the next week, it was so cool to be able to look just outside my office window, and see my new little world.

I hope I still feel like that in a month or two! ;)

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