Saturday, June 28, 2014

Twenty Days Later

June 28, 2014

It really is AMAZING how fast everything grows! Look!

These little round things will be red bell peppers:

These large yellow flowers will be zucchini:

These medium yellow flowers will be cucumbers:

These small purple flowers will be eggplant:

These tiny yellow flowers will be tomatoes:

We've already got little green cherry tomatoes!

And...the best part! we had a mini-harvest today! Spring onions:

And ONE strawberry!!

So exciting to actually have grown SOMETHING!! Tatum ate the strawberry and said it was yummy. I prepared the spring onions for storage. They should last a couple of weeks in the fridge, but I'm looking for a good recipe for tomorrow's dinner. :)

To prepare:
  1. Get a plastic storage container about 8 inches long.
  2. Rinse onions gently under running water, and pat dry.
  3. Cut roots off of onions, without cutting into bulb.
  4. Cut green to size of container, and put both parts into container.
  5. Store in fridge up to two weeks.

It's a bit hard to tell, but the bottom of the picture shows the part of the green without the bulb attached. Use both/all parts!

(Not) For the birds

June 8, 2014
Shortly after discovering the baby strawberries, I started to notice some birds hanging around by the pot. So, I did what I always do...I researched, and sure enough, birds want to eat strawberries. That's fine, of course, but they aren't getting any of mine.

Here's the contraption I made to keep the birds out of my strawberries:

It is pure craziness. When I finished, I wondered if I'd not only made my pot bird-proof, but ME-proof as well! I can get in there. It's not easy, but I can do it. Next year, I hope to have something like this:

I love this idea from Garden Diva 1 . The search begins!

Things are happening!

June 4th, 2014. There's been substantial plant growth, AND, some tiny baby strawberries!