Saturday, April 18, 2015

Plot uncovered

Today I raked winter's protective covering from my little plot of land. Everything looks happy and healthy! The"addition" looks especially promising as the layers of newspapers, compost, leaves, and hay decomposed into a rich, black soil.
There were also plenty of these helpful little guys. 
Though it is severely depleted, the compost is ready to restart. I won't have enough to enrich the soil this spring, but there's enough to provide a healthy base to begin again.
Uncovering the plot uncovered a nice surprise...garlic! It's amazing they survived this winter!

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Begin again

After swearing I would NEVER do this again by seed, today, I sowed my seeds. I did a few things differently. I purchased all my seeds from Peaceful Valley. They are all organic, non-GMO seed. I also used organic soil instead of the dehydrated soil pods I used last year. Instead of artificial light, I've set up a table by a south-facing window. And I planted later, hoping that the seedlings and planning time are better matched. So. We'll see! Today I sowed San Marzano tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, and a slicing tomato called Burbank. I also sowed zucchini, cucumber, eggplant, and bell peppers. When it's warmer, and the ground is ready, I will directly sow cucamelon and stinging nettle. Later in the summer, I'll try kale again. Very excited! Stay tuned!